Friday, May 11, 2007

Dreamcast Manuals. Get 'em while you can.

While Sega has annouced that they will no longer be supporting the Dreamcast it is still possible to get the Dreamcast manual, VMU Manual and the manual for a number of dreamcast games from the sega website.


If you happen to need the manuals for Phantasy Star or Samba de Amigo, Jet Grind Radio or some other game go there and download while you still can. They are on the two lists at the bottom. Some of them are more complete than others but if you are in need you can at least get SOMETHING.

I just downloaded a Bomberman Online manual that I needed for my rental copy I picked up a few months ago.


gnome said...

Excellent find. Thanks!

Animated AF said...

Am I the only one who believes that there was a load of staff suicides when Sega announced that they would pull out of making consoles? Nice to see even Sega still has some resources left for everyone to grab.

fatherkrishna said...

I will be getting the PSO mannual but I doubt it will allow me to play as you need a unique code to even play offline...

Caleb said...

Will SOMEONE in the UK please give FatherKrishna their code to PSO so he can play offline.